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- Create Date September 21, 2016
- Last Updated September 21, 2016
Marketing Plan (Comprehensive) Proposal
1. Analyze current customer base for the client:
A. Customer services breakout
B. Average customer value by services and general
C. Customer location mapping by service, value and propensity, and visit frequency
D. Referral source(s) including media if available
2. Develop a Comprehensive Market Plan to determine the:
A. Specific target customer(s) available to the client
B. Most effective messaging, media and timing to reach these target(s) based on research, unique value propositions, strategic corporate goals, and competitive landscape
3. Develop Comprehensive Media Forecast Models to provide benchmark performance for optimizations of all advertising investments in order to drive the highest ROI out of a limited budget based on actual versus potential. May include media template development and proposed media flight schedules.