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Small Business Website Design
A website is the complete presentation and packaging of the company’s business ideals, value, product and service, through electronic documentation, leveraging one of the most powerful and continually-evolving channels ever created with the purpose of conveying information or selling.

A few things to consider before the organization hires the next firm to design the website:

  1. Does the firm have a disciplined approach to identify how the current site is performing, including pages people are looking at, where traffic is coming from, how users are flowing through the website, whether or not the website goals are being achieved and driving the revenue that is desired
  2. Will the website be search engine friendly allowing for an extensive number of pages to be built out to target long tail search engine keywords
  3. Will this new website be content managed so that various individuals within the organization can easily change webpages AND navigation simply and without any programming experience

We approach website design with the big picture in mind.
Our website solutions deliver results because we have a clear and strategic process of engagement. We consult with the organization to:

  1. Flush out the unique value proposition of the firm as it relates to its competitors
  2. Delve into consumer insight to best leverage unique value proposition
  3. Deploy “real” search engine marketing tools & strategy (just like the big boys) to get the site ranking quickly for the right keywords

With very few exceptions, all of our websites are content managed so they are easily edited by non-programmer types. Oh, and when we say content managed we don’t mean just a few pages within the website. Generally speaking almost all aspects of the website can be managed easily and effectively without any experience in programming. So you want complex and beautiful multilevel navigation, no problem; want to embed video – sure thing piece of cake; simple and easily to manage blog…yeah you got it!