by Chris Bernard | Aug 20, 2020 | Blog, Local SEO Learning Series, Search Engine Marketing, Small Business Marketing
Considering A New B2B Website Platform? Proper B2B Website Development Matters…Alot. Imagine Losing 40% of Your Sales Because of Improperly Done B2B Website Development? Before investing in a B2B Website Platform there are many things to consider. Having the...
by Gregg Anderson | Apr 29, 2020 | Blog, Local SEO Learning Series, Mobile Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Small Business Marketing
Your business no longer has the option of implementing a phased-in digital business development strategy over months or years. Today’s economy requires business owners to think proactively, act strategically, and perform optimally to communicate with customers and...
by Gregg Anderson | Apr 13, 2020 | Blog, Small Business Marketing
When the economy is growing businesses typically increase their advertising spend. But once sales flatten or, God forbid decline, why does advertising become the first line item budget cut? The answer is simply. Businesses typically do not track, monitor or control...
by Chris Bernard | Apr 6, 2020 | Blog, Fact vs Fiction
Many executives have buried their head into the sand during this pandemic – don’t be one of them. So the Coronavirus has literally reshaped the global marketplace in America as we have known it. Although it takes immediate effort, courage and innovative...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Dec 2, 2019 | Local SEO Learning Series, Search Engine Marketing, Small Business Marketing
Setting up campaigns is quite easy but it’s very important to know just how Google’s AI tools are going to utilize the data you are feeding it. I had my regular call with Google last week and got the absolute latest on how Google’s Smart Ads function and how to best...
by Chris Bernard | Aug 16, 2017 | Blog, Local SEO Learning Series, Mobile Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Small Business Marketing
My friend Marcela De Vivo, writer for Search Engine Watch, has crafted a stellar piece on “How to optimize your content for Q&As.” You’ve seen these snippets on Google that feature helpful quick answers at the top of the search results pages, but...